Eco-friendly fun: How to make your hobbies more sustainable


Focusing on sustainability is a growing concern among people from all over the world as the climate crisis, and the threat of global warming become more acute. Read how to make your hobbies more sustainable:

As such, most have started looking for ways to make their lives eco-friendly and reduce their impact, such as driving less, following a plant-based diet, or installing sustainable appliances into their homes. However, one area that is often overlooked is hobbies, simply because they bring so much joy, and the idea of changing or giving them up might sound unappealing at best and downright horrible at worst. Luckily, you don’t have to abandon the things that make you happy to remain environmentally friendly. All you need to do is be more intentional about your choices.

Avoid waste

Poor waste management is one of the biggest challenges of sustainability, as it leads to pollution and contamination. The soil, water, and air are all affected, and the consequences for both human health and the environment can be severe. In the UK, 2022 data showed that the average person creates around 377 kg of waste per year, a 7.9% decrease compared to the previous year. In spite of this improvement, there’s no denying the fact that most people could and should reduce the amount of rubbish they create. Make sure to take this mentality into your hobbies and avoid creating waste as much as possible. If you’re outside, hiking, or attending a sports event or a festival, always put your rubbish in the correct bins.

If you’re doing arts and crafts, make sure you don’t use more materials than you actually need, limit your use of glue and other adhesives, and try to use recycled or repurposed materials. Use cloth rags for cleaning your workstation and all other messes you might create, as they’re more sustainable than paper.  The same applies to painting, as you should only buy as much paint and brushes as you need. If you’re unsure about the exact amounts you need, get in touch with your supplier or use an online calculator. Store your paints in a dark, cool, and dry area so that they’ll last longer.


Collectors are often regarded as quirky individuals, but the truth is that most of the time, they’re just very passionate about their hobbies. It takes dedication to build a collection since you’ll have to look around quite a lot to gather all the items you want, especially since some of them are more likely than not to be exceedingly rare. You can essentially collect anything, as different things will hold significance for an individual. As such, some people might not see the importance of owning a lot of model cars or figurines, while for others, that collection is the result of a lot of work over several years.

If films and series are your safe space, head to the Loungefly Europe and UK shop where you can shop by fandom. Whether you’re a Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, DC, Harry Potter, or Hello Kitty fan, you can find a wide range of products to get for your collection, including backpacks, luckboxes, limited-edition hoodies, plush journals, wallets, crossbody bags, pins and tote bags. The good thing is that these items don’t just look good and can satisfy your fandom cravings, you can also use them on a daily basis. Very often, collected goods just end up on a shelf where they are admired by very rarely, if ever, used. This is something that most climate activists would find to be fundamentally unsustainable, so by collecting goods that have a practical purpose you avoid this pitfall.

As a collector, you should harness your purchasing power to advocate for more climate-conscious products and markets. If you collect art, look into the Gallery Climate Coalition, an international community aiming to reduce the sector’s environmental impact, so that you can learn about the artists, galleries, and auction houses that abide by these standards. You should also be sure that you’re really passionate about the items you own and plan to have them for a long time. Don’t buy a lot of goods if you’re not committed to owning them and believe you’ll dispose of them in a couple of years. Even the ones made from sustainable materials lead to a higher carbon footprint if they’re not recycled or repurposed.


If you need equipment for a new hobby, you should always try to buy used, second-hand items if you’re focused on sustainability. Since overconsumption is at an all-time high, having more than tripled between 1970 and 2022, plenty of items are barely used once or twice before being discarded. As such, second-hand items aren’t haggard and barely usable but are often as good as new. This includes everything from bicycles to art supplies and musical instruments. Apart from the environmental concerns, since new resources aren’t used to create the goods, there’s also the fact that shopping second-hand is better for your personal finances. The items are typically cheaper, meaning you can stay within your monthly budget without worrying about overspending.

To ensure that your items last longer, store them in a safe place protected from sunlight and other harsh weather. Clean them using gentle cleaners, so they don’t get damaged or affected in any way. This will allow you to use them for longer and enjoy their full benefits as much as possible.


Reading books is one of the most common hobbies out there, with a majority of people claiming it is an activity that brings them joy. It’s not difficult to see why, as reading relaxes the mind, allows you to acquire new information or spend time in a fictional world so that you can forget about your problems for a while, and can provide you with much-needed rest for your eyes away from screens. If you feel like your vocabulary has been lacking, if you enjoy writing yourself and would like to elevate your skills, reading is a must.

But can reading be unsustainable? Since using paper might not seem environmentally friendly, e-books and other tech devices might appear to be the preferable choice. However, this is incorrect as they are often made using non-renewable sources or rare metals that are never recycled, which end up causing severe pollution issues. The extraction of these substances depletes natural resources and might also be associated with unethical work practices, including people working in unsafe conditions, low wages, and child labour.

However, it largely depends on how much you read every year. A single physical book has a yearly carbon footprint of roughly 2.7kg, while a Kindle has 37.4kg. Therefore, if you read over fourteen books during the course of a year, an e-book is the more sustainable choice.

Sustainability is not a one-time event but rather a continuous process of improvement. If you want to ensure that your pastime activities are as green and eco-friendly as possible, do your research so you know exactly what you need to change.



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