Trans Pennine Trail improvements – a survey of local people


A SURVEY is being carried out to discover what local people think of recent improvements to the Trans Pennine Trail at Lymm.

The work – which was completed last September – involves a 1.5 mile section of the trail between Warrington and Altrincham.
It included widening and resurfacing the path, providing parallel trotting lanes for horse riders and redesigning barriers to make the route more accessible
People on foot, using a wheelchair or other mobility aid, buggy or bicycle, can now access the trail between Whitbarrow Road and Camsley Lane subway, thanks to a new smooth weatherproof ‘Flexipave’ surface made from recycled tyres. Cumbersome A-frame barriers on Star Lane, which prevented people in wheelchairs or mobility scooters from getting on the trail have also been replaced by new, accessible versions.
The charity Sustrans worked with Warrington Borough Council, the highway contractor AE Yates and the Trans Pennine Trail to carry out the work. It was funded by the Department for Transport as part of Sustrans’ national programme to create “Paths for Everyone”.

An earlier phase of the work between Reddish Lane and Whitbarrow Road included similar improvements.
The survey asks respondents how often they use the trail, why they use it, whether they walk, cycle, ride a horse or use other form of transport who they think should have priority, whether they feel safter since the work was completed, etc.
Respondents must be 18 or older and the survey closes on Monday, June 17. Further information is available from [email protected] or CLICK HERE


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  1. Annette whiteford on

    I use the tpt from Whitbarrow road most days for dog walking
    It’s fine for that and was before
    I cannot use it with my horse as the routes are not linked up for example from Sow brook to mill lane
    We used to be able to go through the allotments to avoid a very busy and dangerous Rushgreen road
    Now it is impossible to get to the route to Altrincham at mill lane
    Unless you consult with riders who use these routes it is a waste of time and money
    I don’t see how you can promote the use for horses as we can’t use it?
    Do you have plans to make a safe passage through the village for riders, we prefer to avoid busy roads as they are very dangerous
    Too many cars driving too fast through the village

  2. The Lymm route is lovely but what about the link to latchford? It is awful and the new stone/rocks they have put down have now buckled the wheels on my bike. Are there any plans to link the new resin paths from Lymm to Stockton heath?

  3. The trail is fantastic for cycling and dog walking but the amount of horse poo that we have to negotiate is terrible. We have to collect our dogs poo but they can just dump in the middle of the trail and walk off , it is not good for dogs or children.

  4. The section between M6 bridge and Bradshaw Lane is terrible. White rocks/stones sporadically placed in areas prone to being waterlogged. Not easy to walk on (never mind running or dog walking). It has already wrecked a pair of my trainers. Hope this section will be renovated in line with other sections along the TPT (M6 bridge to Star Lane and Star Lane to Lymm etc)

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