Local care home celebrates the 79th anniversary of VE Day


CHESHIRE Grange in Lymm marked the anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day as residents partied like it was 1945.

The home was decorated in red, white and blue and residents and staff afternoon of music, song and dance.
Residents reminisced about their memories of VE Day and watched clips of the celebrations that took place outside Buckingham Palace and all across London.

Dawn Holsgrove -Smith General Manager at Cheshire Grange said: “Many of our residents can remember the end of the war and we all know what it meant for our country so we wanted to celebrate the date and listen to our residents’ memories of the war and the experiences they lived through.”
Peter, a resident at Cheshire Grange said: “I remember being evacuated at the start of the war, actually to Lymm, on VE Day I was back in Manchester, I was only 7 when the war came to an end, I don’t really remember a lot the of details. I do remember everybody being very happy and the parties that were held”

Cheshire Grange is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering high-quality care across its care homes and hospitals. Cheshire Grange provides nursing care, residential care, respite care.


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