Council’s new cabinet is confirmed


WARRINGTON Borough Council’s new Cabinet, the key decision-making group of the council, has been confirmed.

There have been a number of changes, with Cllr Jean Flaherty confirmed as deputy leader, and several new appointments made, along with reshaped roles for long-serving Cabinet Members, Cllrs Maureen McLaughlin, Tony Higgins and Hitesh Patel.

The new Cabinet is as follows:
• Cllr Hans Mundry, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Transportation, Connectivity and Infrastructure. Cllr Mundry will also hold responsibility for the council’s corporate plan, communications, LGA and corporate policy.
• Cllr Jean Flaherty, Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for children, families and education – responsible for safeguarding children, children’s social care, corporate parenting, fostering and adoption, schools and partnerships, children’s centres, early help, reducing child poverty, skills and higher education, youth services and SEND.
• Cllr Sue Emery, Cabinet Member for poverty, inequality and protection – responsible for reducing inequalities and improving diversity, community safety, welfare support/poverty, police/fire liaison, travellers, homelessness, domestic abuse and food poverty/cost of living.
• Cllr Maureen McLaughlin, Cabinet Member for health, wellbeing and social care – responsible for Statutory NHS/Local Place Wellbeing, adult social care, ICS/ICB, social care and health integration, safeguarding adults, mental health and disability, public health, and Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
• Cllr Hitesh Patel, Cabinet Member for climate change, sustainability and the environment – responsible for climate change/net zero/sustainability, energy security, air quality, green energy, biodiversity, extreme weather, pollution, wildlife/woodlands, and Greenbelt.
• Cllr Denis Matthews, Cabinet Member for finance, assets and investments – responsible for financial planning and corporate performance, revenue and capital budget, council tax, benefits, trade union liaison (JCC lead), corporate property, procurement, external audit, investments, treasury management and FOIs.
• Cllr Laura Watson, Cabinet Member for economy, growth and quality work – responsible for business development and investment, local and sub-regional economy development, town centre management and district centres, regeneration, good quality jobs and careers, late night economy, sectoral liaison (including logistics, nuclear, hospitality, leisure and business start-ups.
• Cllr John Kerr-Brown, Cabinet Member for housing services and licensing – responsible for licensing and regulatory services, environmental health/food safety, housing, social and affordable housing, waste management/recycling, trading standards, consumer protection, planning policy and development/Local Plan, births, deaths and marriages.
• Cllr Tony Higgins, Cabinet Member for communities, culture and leisure – responsible for neighbourhood and community services, parks and open spaces, libraries, voluntary and third sector, sport and leisure services (LiveWire), culture, art and museum (Culture Warrington), visitor economy, community events, and veterans (ex-services).
• Cllr Nathan Sudworth, Cabinet Member for organisation, innovation and co-operation – responsible for communications (supporting the Leader), customer contact, policy development, devolution, democratic services/elections/democracy, external relations/civic relationships, Community Engagement and Partnership, human relations, personnel and staffing, digitalisation, service transformation, union relationships, code of conduct, and the youth council.

Cllr Mundry, said: “Our new Cabinet will play a key role in maintaining the positive momentum we are building in Warrington, helping drive forward our work to ensure our borough is a fantastic place for everyone who lives and works here.
“The new Cabinet group will deliver on our shared ambitions for a successful and thriving borough with strong, healthy and inclusive communities.”


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  1. Each of these roles is way beyond the capability of any individual no matter how many support staff they might have. Quite a few opportunities in there to find a fall guy.

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