Green Party announce Warrington North candidate for General Election


GREEN Party branch leader Lyndsay McAteer has introduced Maddison Wheeldon as the newly selected candidate for Warrington North for the upcoming General Election.

Maddison offers fresh hope and a new vision for politics in Warrington. She said: “I’m Maddison Wheeldon and I am your Green Party candidate in the General Election for Warrington North. With a long-standing passion for law, criminology and a deep interest in understanding the underlying factors that play a role in the societal issues we face, it is both an honour and a privilege to get the opportunity to help amplify the voices of my home town.
As a single mother of two young girls, I was faced with the reality that there were no candidates in my area that I would be able to give my vote to. It struck me how this sentiment might be mirrored by so many, signifying how we really need a passionate Green voice speaking up for us, who truly understand the challenges that people and families face.
I hope that I can help the people of Warrington North achieve a better and fairer future, represented by somebody who will always have their back and their interests at heart. I also would love to see others, who would have otherwise felt like they couldn’t get involved in politics, recognise the power and legitimacy of their own voices. It is time for people to be elected into Westminster that actually understand and care what life is like for the people that they represent. Vote Green for hope and an end to hate and division.”


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