More people gamble in Warrington than the national average


MORE people gamble in Warrington than the average for the rest of the country.

Sixty per cent of people gamble, including the National Lottery and 48 per cent excluding the National Lottery.
This is revealed in a survey carried out over the last 12 months, by the Warrington Health and Wellbeing Board.
This compares to 50 per cent and d 36 per cent nationally.
Gambling is more common among men with nearly two-thirds having participated in gambling in the past year, compared with half of women.
This mirrors the national pattern.

Levels of online gambling are also higher in Warrington. Overall, one in six respondents had participated in online gambling in the past year, which is greater than the estimated one in 10 in England.
In line with other gambling behaviour, twice as many men participate in online gambling as women (21.4 per cent versus 9.7 per cent. Levels of online gambling are highest in the younger, 18-39 age group (20.7 per cent and reduce
steeply with age. Notably, over a quarter (27.5 per cent) of 18-39 year-old men gambled online in the past year.
The report suggests school-based learning opportunities on gambling-related harms and skills workshops may provide short-term benefits.
Work with the local gambling industry to promote harm reduction messages for those participating in gambling and behavioural counselling support for people with identified problem gambling behaviours is also suggested.
Building gambling recovery capital much like that used for drug and alcohol users is also advocated.


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  1. Is it hardly surprising there is nothing to entertain people in the town centre , most of the pubs n clubs have closed down .
    Just square blocks of apartments to look at !
    We have a council with no imagination or flair .
    But hey ho Warringtonians you get what you vote for !

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