Town’s first Climate Emergency Commission review reveals “more needs to be done!”


AS nations from around the world conclude discussions as part of the latest UN conference on climate change, Warrington Climate Emergency Commission has published its first review of progress closer to home.

The commission’s 2023 report is the first in a planned series of annual reports to chart progress with the Warrington Climate Strategy, which was launched in September last year.
The commission was established after the council declared a climate emergency in 2019, in the wake of rising evidence about the devastating impacts of our heating planet.
The role of the commission is to independently lead the wider conversation on what the climate challenge means locally and encourage action in response.
The report has been published during the town’s first ever Climate Emergency Forum – a local programme of events designed to engage people and businesses with local climate action, designed to coincide with the UN’s climate deliberations. Many similar initiatives are happening around the globe.

Chair of the Commission, Cllr David Ellis, said: “The report makes it clear that more needs to be done and faster. Collectively, we are still adding to the blanket of pollution that is causing the world to overheat.
“Here in Warrington, since our call-to-action last year, we are starting to see a response, but we need more people and organisations on board to really make a difference.
“There are some positive changes happening locally, but not yet at the scale needed.”

Cllr Janet Henshaw, Deputy Leader and cabinet member for sustainability and climate change, said: “The commission’s first report is a timely reminder that we need to move further and faster with our efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and that we all have a part to play.
“The council has responded positively to the commission’s new strategy by developing a Climate Emergency Action Plan, and is bringing forward new actions to help reduce emissions. Other businesses and residents are doing likewise, and it’s heartening to see this progress.
“For success, we need to build on this momentum and see more action from businesses, in our communities and at home.
“I urge everyone to read the commission’s report and get involved where you can. If you don’t know where to start, the Climate Emergency strategy is great overview and guide. Not all of the actions identified in the strategy are easy, but there are many practical things we can do which will all help to make a difference.”

To find out more about the Climate Emergency Commission, visit:

You can also keep in touch with the commission’s activities, and learn about action you can take, by signing up to the commission’s Climate Emergency newsletter, or visiting their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.


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