Following trends vs being a classic: choosing an approach to business


Few businesses manage to hit a ten year anniversary. One of the reasons for that is they stop being relevant for the market. Relevance for a business can be defined by market trends.

Opening an ice cream shop based on a trend can be risky. As was the case with frozen yogurt. Some trends end up being short lived fads. However, a business can use trends as a marketing tool to increase brand recognition. 

About the reviewer:

Brandi Marcene, a business plan writer at OGS Capital, has been working for over ten years in the food and beverage industry. It is one of the many niches she specializes in.

For a new business, joining in on a viral trend is a good way to attract new consumers. Following trends is not a guarantee for success. Especially for an established brand. For example, Greater’s, a fourth generation ice cream manufacturer, uses an old family recipe and ignores trends. Their dedication to quality and making delicious ice cream made them a success. While their popularity spiked overnight after a chance endorsement by Oprah on her show. 

Standing out from your competition

When setting off to write an ice cream shop business plan you need to know what makes your business idea special. As a potential business you have to understand why you are starting an ice cream shop in the first place.

Some of the reasons for opening an ice cream shop could be:

  • You want sell delicious traditional ice cream using your grandma’s recipe;
  • You’re following a trend, as was the case a few years ago with frozen yogurt;
  • You are offering a new “ice cream” concept: salty ice cream, alcoholic ice, bubble ice cream, whatever sparks your imagination. 

This reason for opening an ice cream shop is the cornerstone for your business plan. It will also help you understand who your customer is.

The importance of a returning customer

Your target audience could be a walker-by with an impulse to buy a scoop of ice cream. This will make location for your business very important However, it could also be someone getting a pint of ice cream for a family movie night. Which could set a priority to making your product available in supermarkets or offering delivery services. Understanding why a new consumer came to your ice cream shop for the first time will help you get them to return.

The returning consumer defines the concept of your business. It could end up different to what you initially imagined. What makes a customer return over and over again is what makes your business stand out from the competition.


How a business communicates content and brand message is important. Social media makes it possible to start a dialogue with the target market. This interaction can help understand what consumers like about their brand and what needs to be improved. Interaction with potential customers can also be aimed at increasing brand recognition and popularity. Reels on Instagram or brand participation in viral trends on TikTok is a good way to stay relevant with a younger target audience. 



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