School run mums team up to launch Mum Buns & Caffeine Huns podcast


TWO mums who met up on the school run quickly becoming best friends, have teamed up to produce their own Mum Buns & Caffeine Huns podcast.

Based in the Hive WA1 in Warrington town centre, Jade and Kirsty are huge podcast fans, they realised their offering was not available elsewhere and wantred to provide a voice for women in Warrington.

Set to go live in January, they have already secured their first sponsor in Burtonwood Coffee Co.

The two school mums first met on the school run in March 2021 and instantly clicked, becoming best friends. Jades eldest son and my daughter were in the same class at the time.
Jade is 29 and married with 2 children while Kirsty is 43 and married with one child

Kirsty said: “Both myself and Jade are huge podcast fans of other creators. Jade’s favourite podcast to watch is ‘Ghost Huns Pod’ and my favourite podcast is ‘Help I Sexted My Boss’ with Jordan North and William Hanson.
“Our friends and other school mums have commented for some time how honest we are and how well we click together.
“We realised that Warrington doesn’t have anything like this at all. Although there are of course other 2 mum podcasts out there, none are based in the heart of Warrington, hosted by two Warrington women and we want to kind of be that voice.
“Like the title says “Mum Buns & Caffeine Huns”, we felt it was a relatable title as the badge of honour for a lot of mums is a mum bun and I can almost guarantee some form of caffeine to hand whether that be some form of coffee or in Jades case a Redbull. ”

The Format of the show is a a ‘loose women’ style format, where they talk about being school mums, what they have going on (within reason) such as currently this week they feel it would be easier to get tickets to an Adele concert than extra tickets to their children’s nativity play. They read out any DMs or emails requesting them to discuss topics such as mum guilt which is one that keeps coming up a lot. They are completely transparent on the podcast.

After breaking the ice and building an audience for the first few shows they will then extend to a guest being welcomed on. The route they are looking to go down with guests would of course be stay at home mums, mums in business, self employed mums, basically mums from all walks of life. They are of course open to dads etc being guests. They are not opposed to anyone.
Once up and running of course they would look to stretch further a field to celebrity guests but of course that is the dream but they fully believe they will get there.

They will film and upload to Facebook, You Tube and Spotify to begin with.

Their social media platforms are as follows:
Facebook – Mum Buns & Caffeine Huns
Instagram – MumBunCaffeineHuns
Tik Tok – mumbunscaffeinehuns
You Tube – MumBunsandCaffeineHuns


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.

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