2m wooden fence too high, planners decide


A HOUSEHOLDER’S plan for a 2m wooden fence between his garden and a busy main road has been rejected by borough council planners.

The proposal involved a house in Woodlands Drive, Thelwall but the proposed fence would have run the length of its southern boundary with the A56 Stockport Road, replacing an existing paling fence only 1.2m high.
Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council objected to the proposal on the grounds the fence would harm the character and appearance of the area because of its size, design and prominence within the street scene.
Planning officers decided the proposed new fence, because of is height and design, would have an unacceptably intrusive and dominant impact on the street scene and semi-rural character of the area.

An adjacent house had a front garden adjoining the A56, but this was open with a low fence that did not alter the character of the area.
Other properties with fences comparable to the proposal were set back from the road, behind tree and vegetation cover, reducing their impact on the road.


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