Flamingo that started a love affair with Woolston Eyes


THE Flamingo is an exotic bird, beloved by songwriters and artists, normally found in tropical or sub-tropical parts of the world.

But the day wildlife enthusiast Brian Martin first visited Woolston Eyes in Warrington in 1977 there was one feeding there. It was undoubtedly one that had escaped from captivity but that in no way lessened the surprise and it marked the start of his love affair with the area.

Now he has written a book “Woolston Eyes. From Wasteland to Wetland” which tells the remarkable story of the Woolston Eyes SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest).
Most people in Warrington will have heard of it, but few know much about it. But it is a nationally important wetland with a fascinating history.
Brian’s book tells the story of the many challenges and achievements of the group of volunteers which has managed and developed it over the last four decades.
The lavishly illustrated 212-page book costs £25 and can be purchased from the Woolston Eyes Conservation Group website – www.woolston eyes.com
Already it is attracting interest from wildlife groups all over the country and even further afield – which means a second print run is in the offing.
Woolston Eyes is situated two miles east of Warrington town centre and is an area of low-lying land owned by Peel Holdings and used by its subsidiary, the Manchester Ship Canal Company, for almost 100 years to deposit dredgings from the canal.
This makes the Eyes an unusual SSSI in that it is a working site and Brian stresses that it could not have been developed as it has over the years but for the co-operation of the landowner.
A number of other local wildlife enthusiasts have contributed to the book which ends with a list of birds that have been recorded on the site over the years.


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