Supporting carers in Warrington this Carers Rights Day


WARRINGTON Borough Council is working with its partners to host drop-in events to support carers, providing information and advice about their rights as part of Carers Rights Day, tomorrow, November 23.

Carers Rights Day is organised by Carers UK, the national charity for carers. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of the rights available to carers and to ensure carers have access to information, advice and support to assist them in their caring role.
Rights that carers are entitled to include:

  • The right to request flexible working
  • The right to be added as a carer on your patient record with your GP practice
  • The right to request free vaccinations, such as the flu jab, which is especially timely as we head into the colder weather this winter
  • The right to a carers assessment, if someone you care for has needs that fall under the Care Act 2014
  • The right to protections under the Equality Act 2010 against direct discrimination or harassment because of your caring role or responsibilities

In Warrington, carers have access to support from Warrington Carers Hub, however there are a number of people across the town who may not be aware they are fulfilling the role of a carer, and aren’t accessing the support available, these people are known as ‘hidden carers’.

Cllr Paul Warburton, cabinet member for statutory health and adult social care, said: “There is a hidden carer population in Warrington, which is simply people who don’t realise they are carers. Being an unpaid carer can place strain on a person, so it’s important that they are aware of the rights they have available to them to ensure they are protected and supported in their caring role as much as possible.
“Hidden carers may think they’re just doing the right thing by looking after a friend, family member or neighbour, but if they’re not identifying as carers, and not accessing the support, it can lead to carer breakdown or fatigue. This is not only detrimental to their own health and wellbeing, but to that of those they care for too.”
Warrington Carers Hub, which is operated by n-Compass, is working jointly with NHS and voluntary and community organisations in Warrington to provide drop-in events on Carers Rights Day.

What’s on
Carers drop-in event – Hollins Park Hospital, 1pm-4pm.
Warrington Carers Hub is hosting a drop-in carers event, in partnership with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust’s participation and engagement team. This event will also be supported by a young carers practitioner to provide advice and guidance to young carers.

Carers Coffee and Chat – Fearnhead Cross Youth and Community Centre, 10am-12pm.
Warrington Carers Hub will be joined by a representative from Warrington Disability Partnership who will attend this session in their role as advisor for the HUBS Mobility Advice Service. This service is delivered in partnership with Drive Ability North West, and is a free service providing information to those who are no longer able to drive due to disability or long-term health condition. The advisor will be on-hand to provide a range of advice about topics such as accessible travel including public transportation, and rights as a disabled passenger.

If you are a carer of any age and would like support, it could be that you just need a person to speak to, contact the hub by calling 0300 303 0623. For more information about Warrington Carers Hub, visit the Warrington Carers Hub website.


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