Police warn residents to be vigilant following spate of car and key burglaries


RESIDENTS are being urged to be vigilant following a rise in car and key burglaries across Warrington.

Over recent weeks, officers from Warrington Proactive CID have seen an increase in the number of incidents where the offenders have been forcibly gaining entry into resi-dential properties.
They have then gone on to search the properties for any car keys inside before proceed-ing to steal the vehicles parked outside.
Detectives have been conducting several enquiries into these incidents, and several ve-hicles have already been recovered and arrests made in connection to these thefts.
Patrols are being stepped up in the local area to deter thieves and prevent further burgla-ries from occurring.

Police Constable John Teasdale, of Warrington Local Policing Unit, said: “We are aware of an increase in reports of thefts of keys and cars across Warrington and we are continuing to do everything in our power to locate those responsible and bring them to justice.
“I know that these incidents will cause some concern in the local area, but we will use all the tools at our disposal to crackdown on these types of crime. We will always take robust action against identified suspects when a burglary in Warrington is committed.
“While we continue with our enquiries, I would urge residents to ensure that they review security measures and ensure that their vehicles are properly secured in order to make it even more difficult for any offenders to strike.
“Selecta DNA kits has also to be proven extremely useful in getting crimi-nals off our streets and recovering stolen property. Using it in this way to target people intending to commit burglary or robbery sends a clear mes-sage that Cheshire is a hostile environment for anyone who comes here to commit crime.”

Key advice being issued to homeowners:
• Think about installing CCTV or Ring Doorbells outside of your property.
• Securely put away any valuables left inside vehicles, ensuring they are hidden out of sight in gloveboxes or car boots.
• Lighting is a good deterrent and is recommended at doors and on garag-es as it makes it safer for you when coming and going after dark.
• Consider an accredited burglar alarm system with audible alarm boxes mounted high at the front and rear of your home. Two visible audible alarm boxes are better than one.

Anyone with any information or footage regarding burglaries in Warrington is urged to call Cheshire Constabulary on 101 or give the details via the Cheshire Police website.
Information can also be reported to Crimestoppers, anonymously by calling 0800 555 111 or via the Crimestoppers website.


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