Isolated stroke victim developed interest in child porn during pandemic


A 69-year-old stroke victim from Warrington who became isolated during the Covid pandemic developed an interest in child abuse images, a court heard.

A judge told wheelchair-bound David Walton, “It is apparent you had a sexual interest in children demonstrated by your WhatsApp chats and the downloading of these images.”

But Recorder Eric Lamb went on to point out that the offending behaviour only spanned three days, three years ago and he did not present as someone likely to re-offend.

Iain Criddle, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court today (Tue) that the offences took place between 13 – 15 November, 2020.
Police raided Walton’s Warrington home armed with search warrant and his mobile phone was seized. Forensic examination revealed three images in the most serious category, including two videos, three in the next category and one on the lowest one.
The images included children as young as six and they appeared to have been received from a WhatsApp chat with someone else and automatically saved to the phone.
“He was arrested but when officers became aware of his ill health they de-arrested him and he was warned to attend a police station for interview,” said Mr Criddle.

When first interviewed he said he had memory loss and denied the offences but when later re-interviewed he made admissions.
Walton of Aldwood Close, Birchwood, pleaded guilty to three offences of making indecent images and one of possessing them.

Fiona McNeill, defending, said that the defendant has no previous convictions and has now lost his good character which is a source of anxiety to him.
“He suffered a stroke in March 2020 which co-incided with the beginning of the Covid pandemic and his feelings of isolation were exacerbated by the pandemic. It appears to have been the catalyst for his offending.
“Thankfully it was short lived and when it dawned on him the gravity of what he had embarked on he stopped. He is thoroughly ashamed of his behaviour,” she said.
Recorder Lamb imposed a 12 month community order and ordered him to carry out 20 rehabilitation activity days and to pay a £260 fine. He also has to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for five years and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order was imposed for the same length of time.


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