Man jailed after sexually assaulting woman as she fell asleep


A 29-year-old Warrington man sexually assaulted a woman as she fell asleep when her partner nipped out for a cigarette after they had all been out drinking, a court heard.

Kamen Smith had spent the evening out drinking in St Helens with the couple and went back to their home afterwards.

Liverpool Crown Court heard today (Fri) that at about 3 am when the victim’s partner went outside to have a smoke and the woman was falling asleep Smith pounced.

When her boyfriend came back in he realised something had happened and there was a confrontation between the two men, said David Polglase, prosecuting,
Smith swung a punch at him and the man tried to push him away and ran off.
“He chased him around his car and another car and kicked his car causing scuff marks and the wing mirror was snapped.”

The man ran off but Smith caught up with him and struck him repeatedly to the head and face and he fell to the ground trying to protect his head with his arms.
“He felt blows to his back which he believed were kicks and punches but he couldn’t see. The defendant was saying he would kill him and would not stop until he was dead,” said Mr Polglase.
Luckily neighbours intervened and the victim was taken to hospital where he had a cut above his eye glued. He had cuts and bruises to his back.
The sex assault victim told in an impact statement how she no longer trusts men and her relationship with her partner broke up about a month later.
She said her mental health had been impacted and she felt betrayed.
Her former partner told how he felt let down by Smith and he had become withdrawn and his relationship with his partner became strained and broke up.

Smith, of Molyneux Avenue, Warrington, pleaded guilty to assault and criminal damage and was convicted of assault by penetration after a trial.
The court heard that while released under investigation following the incidents in June 2021 Smith was arrested for possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply for which he is currently serving 28 months.
Jailing him for four years today Judge Denis Watson, KC ordered it to run consecutively to his current sentence. He ordered him to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life and imposed a six year restraining order to keep away from the woman victim.
He said that when the woman told her partner what had happened Smith, “for his audacity – in your view – to protest you then assaulted him and pursued him out of the house and assaulted him and damaged his car.”
Jason Smith, defending, said that Smith had not committed any offences before the age of 21 but has since carried out several including arson, drug dealing, violence and assault.
“A very giddy cocktail of issues in respect of this defendant which he needs to address,” he said.


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