Marketing Cheshire names its new managing director


MARKETING Cheshire – part of the Cheshire and Warrington LEP family – has named award-winning strategic communications specialist Cristian Marcucci as its new managing director.

Marcucci, currently assistant director for communications at Staffordshire County Council, will take up his role in January.
Marketing Cheshire promotes the sub-region to tourists, business, investors, and residents– using its tourism and place making expertise to promote a region that welcomes over 36.3 million visitors each year creating a visitor economy valued at over £3.7 billion.
Marcucci, 45, said he couldn’t wait to promote “the world class attractions and pioneering businesses” in a region boasting a rich tapestry of must-visit places.
He said: “Cheshire is a special place, home to a world-class and diverse range of tourism attractions many with an educational aspect and as diverse as the Roman history and world’s oldest racecourse in Chester, a theme park in Warrington (Gulliver’s World), an UNESCO World Heritage site (Jodrell Bank’s Discovery Centre), the beautiful Tatton Park, and muddled mazes of BeWILDerwood set in 70 acres of enchanted woodland next to the historic Cholmondeley Castle.

“I am passionate about place marketing and bringing leaders, influencers and people together to promote their areas and in this role I cannot wait to work with place leaders and the pioneering businesses that generate billions and attract millions of visitors each year to help the region continue to deliver a growing, sustainable, healthy and inclusive economy.”
The ex-journalist has worked in local government communications for 17 years and also as a peer reviewer for the Local Government Association.
As well as offering tourism expertise Marketing Cheshire’s work ranges from supporting the relaunch of Cheshire Science Corridor – home to over 7,000 businesses and world class assets – to promoting Cheshire Day and big events including the annual Marketing Cheshire Tourism Awards and recent Cheshire and Warrington LEP annual economic conference.


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