Layla looks for a home after nearly 600 days in RSPCA centre


SIX-year-old Dobermann, Layla is now ready to find a forever home after more than 580 days in RSPCA’s Warrington branch.

When she arrived at the centre on Slutchers Lane, she was extremely anxious and required medication to help, although is now starting to be weaned off.


Branch Manager, Amanda Drury said: “We’ve been trying to rebuild her confidence, she was very nervous and unsure when she first came to us. Layla was very shy and withdrawn because she was really scared of what was going on, her whole world had been turned up side down… Layla walks to heel now and understands basic commands.
“Now she’s a very happy little girl and she’s absolutely adorable! When she gets to know you, Layla becomes very loving and affectionate, she’s one of the quietest dobermann breeds I have ever met. She’s gorgeous and a treasure, we really love her here!”

If you think you have the perfect home for Layla, please visit


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