Vandals running amok on village playing fields


VANDALS have been running amok on village playing fields at Culcheth, Warrington – uprooting trees and smashing equipment.

Nearby residents say a group of hooded youths riding pedal cycles have been visiting Shaw Street Recreation Ground of a night and repeatedly vandalising the area.
Volunteer litter pickers who regularly clean up the area were shocked when they discovered the damage.
Cllr Sue Bland has tabled a report for the next meeting of Culcheth and Glazebury Parish Council.
She said: “We have got to get something done about it. The matter has been reported to police, but nothing seems to have been done so far.

“Nearby residents say the offenders arrive almost every evening. Trees are smashed or uprooted and bushes torn down. A shelter provided for users of a skatepark has been damaged.
“One parish councillor went down one evening with a video camera but, of course, the offenders didn’t show up that night. They may have seen him – I don’t know.”
Trees and bushes that have been growing for years have been smashed by the hooligans
Evidence of drug use has also been found in the area.


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1 Comment

  1. The youth of today do not appreciate anything that’s done for them today.
    They moan there’s nothing for us , nothing to do
    Council tax payers provide money to pay for things to entertain them and this is how they repay you.
    I wouldn’t waste my money on them anymore !

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