Unique opportunity to learn about a fascinating village history


A UNIQUE opportunity to learn something of the fascinating history of the village of Stretton, near Warrington, will come on Wednesday, October 11.

Local resident Clare Olver who will give a talk on the village’s history at 7.30pm at St Matthews Parish Church on Wednesday October 11. The talk will cover a wide range of topics, from the Romans to more recent times, and will explore what Stretton means to those who live there today.
Clare moved to Stretton more than 25 years ago and was inspired by a neighbour whose family had lived in the village since the 1700s.

He talked about the people as well as the place, and this led Clare to start capturing stories of the village.
In her talk, Clare will share an insight to life in Stretton 100 years ago, the links to Charles Darwin, and the Bradshaw Guide to Railways made famous by Michael Portillo. She will also talk about how residents of Stretton were among the first to settle in America, and the international interest in some of those families.
Latterly, research has also revealed the extent to which Stretton’s former neighbours were involved with the slave trade. Clare will discuss this sensitive topic in a respectful and informative way.
The talk will be preceded by refreshments from 7pm, and all are welcome.


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