Big River Watch – a chance to learn to love the Mersey


IT’s national Big River Watch this weekend and Warrington folk are being invited to take a stroll along their local rivers – the Mersey or the Bollin.

The weekend coincides with World Rivers Day on Sunday (September 24) and Big River Watch is an invitation for everyone to love their local river and be a part of the movement demanding better for them.
It’s easy to get involved – Just download the free survey App and then take a walk along your local river. No prior knowledge, experience or volunteering is needed, just a smartphone and the ability to access a river.
Big River Watchers are asked to take a walk along their local river and answer a range of questions, including about water colour and flow, about wildlife and pollution spotted, and their own connection to their local river.

By spending a little time watching your local river and completing the simple survey you will contribute to a national river dataset that can be used to create and demand positive change.
Visit for full details and to download the Big River Watch survey App.
Charity group The Mersey Rivers Trust is encouraging everyone to get involved.
John Sanders, co-director at Mersey Rivers Trust said: “We want to gather as much information as possible about the Mersey and all the rivers that flow into it. We will use the information gathered to help target our work to improve the health of the Mersey rivers.”
Mersey Rivers Trust will be at Mayfield Park in central Manchester next to the River Medlock tomorrow (Saturday) between 10am and 2pm. Visit them to find out more about the Big River Watch and the volunteer activities to improve the Mersey rivers. There will be some river craft activities for children as well.


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