Planning officers overruled by councillors on three-storey flats


COUNCILLORS at Warrington have overruled planning officers and thrown out proposals for a three-storey block of 50 retirement flats

Members of the borough’s development management committee were opposed to the scheme on former farm land off School Road, Orford, because of concerns over the size of the three-storey building.
They heard there had been objections from 18 nearby residents concerned about the impact of the three storey building on an already heavily-developed area, increased traffic, noise and light pollution.
The objectors said the development would result in over-shadowing of existing properties. They argued that the building would be too close to existing homes and would cause a loss of privacy.
They argued the area should be developed for family housing .

The scheme included both two and one bedroomed apartments and also included car parking areas.
Warrington Borough Council officers said the application was for a residential development in a residential area on a site that was currently vacant.
“There would be no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of the area, highway safety, drainage, ecology or residential amenity. The development would make an important contribution to increasing the council’s supply of housing land for a type of residential development for which there is evidence of a need in the borough. “
The development would have no impact on a pair of gate piers which were Grade 2 Listed and were all that remained of the 18th century Orford House which was demolished in the 1970s.
Although some 11 trees would, unfortunately, be lost they would be replaced by the planting of 23 native trees with a further orchard trees in a courtyard area.
But the committee voted to refuse permission for the scheme.


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