Warrington named among top 10 best places for artisan businesses


WARRINGTON has ranked ninth in the UK for best places to have an artisan business, according to a recent study by Monzo.

The study was based on the number of handmade craft items for sale on sites like eBay and Etsy, with Warrington coming in at 2,215 per 100,000 people.
It found that the town has 36 craft courses for locals to pick from, as well as nearly 13 arts and crafts shops per 100,000 people.
Analysing 50 of the UK’s most populated cities against relevant metrics including the number of handmade Etsy and eBay products listed per 100,000 people, the number of nearby crafting courses and shops, and the average search volume for crafts, the study reveals the nation’s top 10 craft capitals, perfect for setting up a business in.

Top 10 artisan

For those looking to start a crafting business, our survey of craft business owners revealed that the average cost to set up is £564.
The cheapest craft to set up is origami, requiring only £401. Batik (an Indonesian dyeing art), felting (compressing fibres) and enamelling (melting powdered glass onto metal) are also among the cheapest – all costing just over £400.
Carpentry at £624 has the most expensive average set-up cost, followed by lithography (printing using a stone or plate) at £620, and joinery (joining wood together) at £617.

Jordan Shwide, Head of Monzo Business said: “Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, and it’s really exciting to see that the UK is home to such a diverse range of craft businesses. We know from speaking to our own business customer community, the passion and creativity that craft business owners have, and we’re proud to be able to support them to manage their finances so that they can focus on what really matters to them.”

See the full study by Monzo here.


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