Pensioner jailed after fracturing victim’s cheekbone with metal walking stick


A PENSIONER who struck a man across the face with a metal walking stick, fracturing his cheekbone during an early hours argument in Warrington town centre, has been jailed.

The blow by William Dickinson to victim Darren Hughes – witnessed by police – left him with a fractured cheekbone which later needed surgery to repair and a fear of going out in the town centre and heavily populated places.

Two weeks later while in Handsworth, Birmingham, after being arrested for possession of a kitchen knife, Dickinson was aggressive and tried to headbutt a police officer.

The 65-year-old appeared at Liverpool Crown Court today (Fri) and was jailed for 14 months but because of the time he has served on remand he is likely to be released in about a month.
Dickinson, of no fixed address but formerly of Winmarleigh Street, Warrington, pleaded guilty to wounding, possessing a bladed article and assaulting an emergency worker.

Derek Jones, prosecuting, said that the wounding incident happened in Bridge Street at about 3.30 a.m. on November 6 last year and was captured on CCTV.
“The complainant approached the defendant and there was an argument. The complainant pushed the defendant to the chest and the defendant hit him once to the side of his head and face with a metallic walking stick.”
The CCTV footage showed a police car parked nearby and officers immediately arrested Dickinson.
Mr Hughes was taken to hospital where he was treated for a cut to his eyebrow and a fractured left cheekbone. He had to return two weeks later for surgery under general anaesthetic to reset his cheekbone, said Mr Jones.
In an impact statement, Mr Hughes said that he is now nervous about going into Warrington town centre or heavily populated places. He feels vulnerable and now suffers from low mood.

On November 22 Dickinson was seen by police in an animated state in Heathfield Road, Handsworth and when his bag was searched a kitchen knife with an eight inch blade was found and he was arrested.
He was shouting and aggressive while in the police van and spat on the floor. He was taken to the desk sergeant and threatened to kill police constable Smythe.
When that officer started to remove Dickinson’s rings he swung his head at him trying to headbutt him but the officer moved and the blow hit his arm without causing injury, said Mr Jones.
The court heard that the defendant has six previous convictions, the most recent in March when he was jailed for 26 weeks for having a bladed article.

Simon Christie, defending, said that Dickinson is not “enjoying particularly good physical health, and on occasion, mental health.”
While on remand he has served the equivalent of 12 months imprisonment and needs the help of the probation service, he added.
Judge Denis Watson, KC, said that the Warrington offence had involved “an over-reaction or excessive self-defence” and his behaviour at the police station in Birmingham had been “impulsive and short-lived.”


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