Decision on childrens’ home deferred after opposition from nearly 40 people


PLANNING chiefs have put off a decision on proposals to convert a house from a dwelling to a children’s home after hearing of opposition from nearly 40 people.

Members of Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee want more information before deciding if the scheme in Farnworth Road, Penketh, can go-ahead.
The application is from the council’s own children’s social care department and planning officers are recommending it be approved, subject to conditions.
But the committee heard there had been individual responses from three nearby residents and an open letter of objection had been signed by 34 residents of nearby Penketh Court.
Penketh Parish Council had also objected.

The proposal was for a home for up to two children aged between 12 and 18. On a normal working day, there would be three members of staff present between 9am and 5pm and two outside these hours.
Objectors claimed the property had already been used as a children’s home and previous occupants of the house had displayed various forms of antisocial behaviour including shouting, swearing, loud music throughout the night, use of illicit substances, including cannabis and speed, kicking in doors, banging on neighbours windows and general noise and disturbance at all hours.
Staff parking had also caused problems.

Angry residents oppose children’s home which made life a “living hell”


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1 Comment

  1. Considering the requirement for four parking spaces for a children’s home of the indicated size, it is indeed worrying that planning officers are suggesting it should be approved, when only one parking permit is available per household. This situation raises genuine concerns about potential parking congestion and inconvenience for residents, as well as the safety of the children living in the home. In the time it is has taken to write this I have seen two delivery vehicles park on double yellow lines outside penketh court because there isn’t enough room for them to park, not only blocking pavements for pedestrians but also making the road even more narrow for vehicles. There is simply not enough parking and anyone who suggests otherwise has never visited the road.

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