Young people at risk are helped through sport


YOUNG people at risk of being excluded from school or involvement with the youth justice system are benefiting from a programme to turn their lives around through sport.

Warrington leisure provider LiveWire’s “Back on Track” project helps young people aged 12-18 with issues impacting their wellbeing and is backed by the Community Cashback Fund, which sees money seized from criminals reinvested in the local area.
The project is supported by Police and Crime Commissioner John Dwyer.
Sports sessions help young people to reduce social isolation alongside improving their mental and physical health.

The Commissioner dropped into a tennis session at LiveWire’s Orford Jubilee Hub to see how young people were engaging with dedicated youth workers to build their confidence.
He said: “The value of intervening early to protect young people from social isolation and the resulting risk of becoming involved in crime cannot be understated. It was fantastic to see ‘Back on Track’ having such a positive impact on young people and to hear about how the project has been successful in turning lives around.
“In my Police and Crime Plan, I talk about preventing and tackling crime as a priority. This project is a great example of organisations working together to provide young people with the good start they need and I’m looking forward to seeing how LiveWire develop this project in future.”

Paul Flannery, sports development manager at LiveWire who designed the project said: “’The support of the Police and Crime Commissioner has meant that we have been able to engage these young people. We have seen how this project can change lives and we are most grateful.”
For more information about the Community Cashback Fund visit
To find out more about LiveWire, go to


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1 Comment

  1. This is absolutely fantastic. I am a former Athlete with experience of working with children from care homes and children with disabilities and I think this is an excellent project. Congratulations to all concerned.

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