Parking restrictions in Orford to improve safety


WARRINGTON’S Traffic Committee has approved plans to make existing parking restrictions on Norris Street and Orford Avenue enforceable.

The council advertised a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) on March 30 this year, in response to concerns raised about safety due to vehicles parking on double yellow lines on the north side of Norris Street.
This parking causes obstruction on the footway, resulting in difficulties for pedestrians to pass without stepping into the carriageway.

The current TRO in place does not allow for the existing double yellow lines to be legally enforced. Therefore, the advertised TRO proposed:

  • The enforcement of parking restrictions on the double yellow lines on Norris Street, Orford Avenue, and the bus stop clearway on Norris Street
  • Limiting the duration of the stay at the parking bays on the southern side of Norris Street to one hour

The traffic committee considered 49 written objections relating to the advertised TRO. After taking account of these, the committee has approved the making of the TRO in part, where it relates to the double yellow lines in both Norris Street and Orford Avenue, and the bus stop clearway in Norris Street.
However, the advertised one-hour maximum stay at the bays on the southern side of Norris Street has been removed from the proposals, following the public feedback to the statutory consultation

Road markings will be refreshed and any necessary traffic signs removed or added where required. It is anticipated that the works will be undertaken in the next 4-6 weeks, followed by the issue of warning notices for a short period prior to formal Penalty Charge Notices for offending vehicles.


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1 Comment

  1. Take note the white land-rover near to the Orford park end that was the first to start doing this and then everyone else started following and also to the red car that parks opposite their house on the double yellow lines next to the tattooist. Thank god that you are going to be stopped. Ignorant and selfish

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