Convicted drug dealer hid drugs up his bottom!


A convicted Warrington drug dealer returned to his illegal ways just three months after being released on licence during a nine year prison sentence.

Police officers spotted Lewis Johnson dealing drugs from his car in Warrington and when they went to arrest him he hid some of his drug supplies up his bottom, later passing 17 bags of heroin and 49 bags of crack cocaine!

Liverpool Crown Court heard that In the struggle to stop him and detain him Johnson suffered a fractured cheek bone and jaw injuries and had to be taken to hospital.

Paul Blasbery, prosecuting, said that on June 21 police were investigating “County Lines” drugs supply of heroin and crack cocaine to the local community in the Warrington area. A Vauxhall Insignia was seen apparently involved in a drugs transaction and the next day, they received information about “a Junior Line”.
They spotted the same vehicle in Bridgewater Avenue at 11.30 am driven by Johnson and saw two apparent drug users approach it.

“They entered it and stayed about a minute and then walked off with small items in their hands. The officers suspected drug dealing had taken place.
“The vehicle was later sighted stationary in Buckton Street and a drug user was seen in the front passenger seat.
“The car was blocked in by police vehicles and the defendant was seen with his hips raised and his hands down the rear of his trousers appearing to be trying to secrete something in his anus,” said Mr Blasbery.
The passenger admitted he was there to buy drugs and Johnson was arrested and his phone and £135 cash was seized.

He said 25-year-old Johnson was taken to hospital but refused to be x-rayed to check on the drugs hidden on him. When his home was searched a drug dealers’ tick list was found.
Mr Blasbery said that the following day the police were given authority to charge him with being concerned in supplying crack cocaine and heroin.
He said that five hours later Johnson “passed” 17 bags of heroin and 49 bags of crack cocaine.

Lewis, of Eiizabeth Drive, Poulton, Warrington, pleaded guilty to two offences of being concerned in supplying drugs and possessing £135 criminal property.
The court heard that he had been jailed in 2019 for nine years for conspiracy to supply cocaine and released on licence in March.

Jamie Baxter, defending, said that the defendant had been trying to get back “on the straight and narrow” after his release and complying with his supervising officers.
But while he had support it was not as much as he needed and he reverted back to his criminal ways. “He has blamed no one else….He has owned his mistake.”
He said that Johnson, who appeared in court via video link from prison, could be seen to be suffering from the injuries he received during his arrest.
Jailing him for 44 months the judge, Recorder Peter Cowan, said Johnson’s circumstances were “depressingly familiar.”
He added that there was “an element of immaturity and a deficit in thinking skills” and he had made “a ludicrous decision” to return to drug dealing.

Crime gang jailed after massive drugs seizure at Warrington


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