Green Flag award for walled garden – for seventh year running


GRAPPENHALL and Thelwall Parish Council is celebrating after receiving a Green Flag Award for Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden – for the seventh year running.

The accreditation – the international quality mark for parks and green spaces – is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that care for the green space so that everyone can enjoy it, the council said.
Keep Britain Tidy’s Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved at Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden in achieving a Green Flag Award for the seventh year in a row.
“Grappenhall Heys Walled Garden is a vital green space for the community in Warrington, bringing people together and providing opportunities to lead healthy lifestyles. The small staff team and volunteers do so much to ensure that it maintains the high standards of the Green Flag Award and everyone involved should feel extremely proud of their achievement.”

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of green spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world.
Lumb Brook Millennium Green, Appleton, was also awarded a Green Flag.

green flag

Some of the volunteers celebrate a seventh consecutive green flag


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