Conversion plan for Green Belt barn


A PLAN to convert a 19th century barn into a dwelling on Green Belt land at Croft have been submitted to Warrington’s planning department.
Oven Back Cottage, in Winwick Lane, Croft is thought to date from the early to mid-1800s and adjoins the barn, currently used for storage only.
Early tythe maps appear to show the barn was larger when it was built than it is today.
But the proposals involve only minor changes in the appearance of the building.

The plans seek to create a three-bedroom dwelling, making use of existing features where possible. Most of the existing fabric would be retained. Existing traditional apertures showing the building’s historic use would be infilled with glass, including a hay cart opening.
A porch would be added, but this would add interest to a plan elevation. Historic stairs would be retained. The west wall would be clad with timber because removal of existing cement rendering would only reveal bricks in a poor condition.
All proposed landscaping would be of a simple design, in keeping with the surroundings.
Only minor alterations are proposed to the external appearance of the barn and the proposal would result in sustainable re-use of a redundant building.
Planning officers will now consider the proposals.


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