First-of-its-kind session highlights vaping risks for children in Warrington hailed a success


LIVEWIRE’S dedicated Stop Smoking Team successfully hosted a groundbreaking ‘Parental Vape Education Session’ to raise awareness about the risks of vaping in children.

The event, held recently at Pyramid in Warrington, saw a turnout of more than 40 attendees, including a handful of high school-age children.
The ‘Parental Vape Education Session’ aimed to provide parents with vital information and education on the prevalence of vaping among young people and the potential dangers it poses. The session covered a range of important topics, including an overview of vaping, information on potential harms, current trends, the presence of illicit or fake vapes, laws related to vaping and young people, environmental impacts, and support available to quit vaping. Attendees also received links to resources that can be used when discussing vaping with young people.

During the event, discussions with attendees highlighted mixed messages regarding the legal age for purchasing vaping products compared to the absence of a minimum age for use. Questions were raised about THC vapes (cannabis) and how they can be detected. Support available for both parents and children was also a topic of interest.
The success of this event has paved the way for the next session, scheduled to be held on 11th October (link to book below). LiveWire aims to provide more up-to-date evidence and research in order to reach a wider audience, with the goal of having more schools represented at the event.

LiveWire’s ‘Parental Vape Education Session’ serves as a pioneering initiative in addressing the pressing issue of vaping among children. The event aims to raise awareness, foster open conversations, and empower parents to protect the next generation from potential harm.
“Our first Parental Vape Education Session was a huge success thanks to our speakers and our engaging attendees,” said Tom Kearney, LiveWire’s Stop Smoking lead. “There was a lot of information shared, and some new issues/questions raised which will help us to gain a better understand of vaping which in turn will grow our service offer.
“This is an emerging area of work which makes these sessions vitally important to keep parents in Warrington informed and best armed to support and protect their child from the dangers of vaping. We are hopeful that our next session in October will bigger and better, with more evidence and research to share and stronger support pathways as we continue to combat this ever rising issue.”

LiveWire’s commitment to providing accurate information and resources on vaping has been well-received by attendees, who expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tips.
Councillor Maureen McLaughlin, cabinet member for public health and wellbeing said: ‘’The latest data shows that vaping among young people is increasing at worrying rate and it is a challenge that we need to respond to as quickly as possible.
“That’s why we’re taking action now working closely with schools, parents and young people themselves to educate them about the harmful effects of vaping both from a health and environmental perspective.
“It is vital we have the support of parents in helping us communicate these messages and I am grateful for the work LiveWire is doing in this area. This session was a fantastic way to engage parents in this work and I am really pleased that it proved to be such a success. I am looking forward to future sessions connecting with more parents from across the borough about this important issue.”

For more information about the upcoming ‘Parental Vape Education Session’ on 11th October and to register, please visit


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