Plan to demolish a 19th century house on Green Belt land


A PLAN to demolish a 19th century house on Green Belt land at Lymm to make way for a new property of similar size has been given the go-ahead by borough planning chiefs.

The scheme involves the demolition of Ravenbank House, off Pepper Street, Lymm – which is described as a nondescript house in a dilapidated condition.

Warrington Borough Council planners admit the proposal is inappropriate in the Green Belt. But they say there are very special reasons outweighing any harm to the openness of the Green Belt.
In terms of design and appearance, the replacement property will be of attractive, contemporary design featuring large glazed apex windows to the front gable elevations, with darker wooden external fixed shading louvres to first floor elevations.

Proposed materials comprise a combination of red brick, Siberian Larch vertical timber cladding, grey slate roof tiles and openings in anthracite grey.
Overall, the new dwellings will be constructed in good quality materials with the use of natural materials to soften the visual impact. It will have a pleasing architectural design and respect the semi-rural setting and will not detract from the character of the area.
The site is in a secluded location, largely screened from views by gently undulating landscape, trees and hedgerows, planners say.


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  1. Curious – this starts off with “..make way for a new property of similar size..” (singular), then mentions “..the replacement property will..” (again singular), then moves on to “..Overall, the new dwellings will be constructed..” (plural).
    How many dwellings will be constructed ?

    • I thought that too. Also this Council is trying to close a local business, The Shepherd Hut, referring to parking issues, but is considering an application for a Domino’s Pizza takeaway on Pepper Street saying that won’t cause parking issues

      • There is a big car park opposite the proposed domino’s! A pizza takeaway will be good for the village. The shepherds hut is great but in an awful position for parking, a few cars parked on that road causes chaos with the school buses and cars. That said – I would rather it remained but wonder if more spaces could be created on the land around it.

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