New vision to make borough’s libraries more attractive


A NEW vision has been launched to make Warrington’s libraries inclusive, creative, modern and attractive places for the whole community, now and in the future.

Warrington’s new three-year strategy, ‘Transforming Warrington’s Public Libraries 2023-26’ aims to build on the ambitions of the town’s library strategy of 2019-2022 – to ensure the borough’s library service remains sustainable, relevant and valuable, by meeting the needs of all sections of the community.

Delivered by the borough’s Libraries Partnership Board, the strategy reflects on achievements of the past three years, including the work to improve library buildings, work more inclusively with local communities and partners, and to deliver a more varied and inclusive libraries activity and outreach programme. It then looks at the next steps to help libraries thrive in the future and meet the challenges of falling library users, exacerbated by the Covid pandemic.

The strategy places a key emphasis on making Warrington libraries “valued community spaces that make a positive difference to the lives of the people that use them. They are welcoming spaces for all and offer the opportunity for reading, learning, enjoyment, reflection, calm, safety, creativity, insight and inspiration.”
Included in the strategy are the stories of local people, who share their experiences of using their community library and the positive difference it has made to them and their families.
Warrington has set out six, key strategic aims for the months and years ahead:

• Encourage and promote enjoyment of reading, learning, creativity, culture, imagination and play.
• Provide children and young people with an engaging and relevant offer to help them fulfil their full potential.
• Embrace technology and digital formats, supporting greater inclusivity in accessing new media.
• Support positive physical and mental wellbeing.
• Enable access to up-to-date, accurate and trusted sources of information.
*Provide attractive, welcoming, inclusive and environmentally sustainable community spaces – a safe and social space for all.
The borough council’s cabinet member for leisure and community, Cllr Tony Higgins said: “We remain fully committed to investing in the future of our libraries. We’ve made great strides in recent years in transforming services by modernising our buildings, engaging with local people so we can better meet their needs and working hard to make our libraries a focal point for communities.

“The Covid-19 closure period had a huge impact on libraries across the country, and that impact is still being felt. That’s why we need to work innovatively with LiveWire and other partners to protect and sustain them for the future and drive forward their growth.
“This strategy will help us achieve these ambitions and will be a valuable tool in guiding our ongoing work to make our libraries places of learning, inspiration and inclusivity – places which help people forge vital networks and help support the wider wellbeing of all our communities.”
Warrington’s Libraries Partnership Board – made up of representatives from the council, LiveWire, the third sector and Friends of Libraries groups – was established at the end of 2017 to help sustain and develop libraries as important community spaces.
You can view the strategy, ‘Transforming Warrington’s Public Libraries 2023-26’ at


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