Planners give go-ahead for extensions at detached house


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have given the go-ahead for extensions at a three-bedroom detached house at Appleton – despite objections from the parish council and a neighbour.

The development will see the demolition of the whole of a single-storey element to the rear, side and front of the property in London Road, as well as a garden store.
They will be replaced by a new, two-storey side and rear extension, a porch, new windows and partial rendering of the front and rear elevations.
Appleton Parish Council and one neighbour lodged objections over potential over-development of the site, overshadowing and a lack of parking capacity.

But Warrington Borough Council planning officers said the development was acceptable.
The increased massing could be comfortably accommodated within the spacious plot and would be consistent with the established local character without appearing over-developed.
Visually, the design was symmetrically balanced and would not appear out of place within the street scene. They recommended the scheme be approved – and members of the borough council’s development management committee agreed.


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