Man who strangled partner believing he “almost killed her” escapes prison after confessing crime to police


A man who strangled his partner when she refused to answer if she loved him while they were in bed, went to the police the next day to confess his crime believing he had almost killed her.

A court heard that the incident would never have come to light if Leszek Myrkwa had not felt so bad about what he had done and rang 999.

A probation officer reported that it was the first time in 30 years that he had ever come across such a confession, said Recorder Kate Cornell.
Liverpool Crown Court heard that while he has been living in Warrington, near his job, while on bail he and his partner wish to be back living together with their 14-year-old son.

The teenager had been alerted to the incident by hearing his mum’s terrified cries and went into the couple’s bedroom and told Myrkwa to let her go which he did.
Sentencing the 51-year-old the judge said that they had been in a long term relationship when the incident happened at 6 am on March 1 this year.
“You woke up and asked if she still loved you but she declined to reply. As a result you grabbed her around the neck, strangling her with your hands.

“She suffered reddening to the neck and a popped blood vessel in one eye. The next day you rang 999 about 4pm to hand yourself in and report strangling your girlfriend saying ‘I almost killed her’.
“This was the first the police knew of the matter. They spoke to her to confirm the attack had taken place but she said she did not want to provide a further statement,” said Recorder Cornell.
Myrkwa, of Stanley Road, Wigan, pleaded guilty to intentional strangulation.

His barrister William Staunton told the court, “He clearly felt guilty after what he had done and accepted it was a dangerous thing to have done.”
He worked as a miner in Poland for two years from the age of 17 and is “100% a grafter.” He has worked hard ever since coming to this country in 2005 as does his partner.
Mr Staunton said that if ordered to carry out unpaid work in the community he would be an asset to any such team.
He said the matter would never have come before the court if he had not reported it and his partner clearly wants him back so they can be a family.

The court heard he has only one conviction for wounding in 2013 involving a man and the judge pointed out that there was no history of domestic violence and he is genuinely remorseful.
They had been having relationship problems and he was frustrated at her lack of communication. “You responded in an aggressive, violent and frightening way. It was impulsive and emotionally driven,” she said.
The judge described it as “an unusual” and “exceptional” case and imposed an 18 month community order and ordered him to carry out 250 hours unpaid work and 30 days rehabilitation activities.


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