Police launch campaign aimed at keeping knives off the streets


POLICE in Warrington and across Cheshire are gearing up to support a national campaign aimed at keeping knives off the streets and educating young people about the dangers of carrying bladed weapons.

All this week, Operation Sceptre aims to reduce the impact of knife crime on local communities.
Cheshire continues to have one of the lowest rates of knife-related offences, with knife related offences decreasing by 2.4 per cent in the 12 months to March 2023 compared to the previous year.
More recently, officers have taken a more proactive approach to stop and search, resulting in an increase in the number of people arrested for possessing bladed weapons, helping to remove illegal weapons from our streets.
The force remains determined to further reduce the number of knives carried across the county. As part of this Cheshire Constabulary has developed a multi-faceted approach with its partners as it continues to strive toward creating a weapons-free Cheshire.

Superintendent Andrew Blizard, who is the force’s knife crime lead, said: “Nationally speaking knife crime is a growing problem, Operation Sceptre highlights the great work our officers put in all year round to keep knife-related incidents across Cheshire low.
“We are extremely proud that across our wider Cheshire community knife crime remains low, but we have seen a significant increase in the amount of people possessing knives and bladed weapons – something we as a force cannot let become normalised.
“When someone chooses to carry a knife, it is only a matter of time before they, or someone else, sustains a life-changing or fatal injury – if you choose to carry a knife you are much more likely to be involved in a knife crime.
“At Cheshire Constabulary we have a structured prepare, protect, pursue and prevent approach for tackling knife crime that involves working with our various partner agencies, including local authorities, third sector organisations, youth representatives and community groups”.
The force’s ongoing efforts in tackling knife crime will be intensified by enforcement and engagement initiatives held in Cheshire during the national week of action.
Activities during the week-long operation will include community knife sweeps across different areas of the county, warrants being executed in relation to knife crime, engagement in the community, amnesty bins and patrols around hotspot areas.
Retailers also have an important role to play and during Operation Sceptre week, officers across Cheshire will be conducting a series of test purchase operations to ensure that weapons are not falling into the wrong hands.


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