Dad who breached restraining order to take birthday gifts to son given “last chance” by judge


A Warrington dad who asked a friend to drop off birthday presents to his ex-partner for his son, breaching a restraining order, nearly found himself in prison.

Liam Broderick was banned from contacting her or their two children by a restraining order imposed on November 4 last year.

But Liverpool Crown Court heard today (Tue) that one evening in March this year a stranger turned up at the Birchwood home of Broderick’s former partner and handed over a bag of wrapped presents and said, ‘These are from Liam.’

“The incident left her feeling nervous and concerned that he would continue to breach the restraining order” said Joanne Moore, prosecuting.
Broderick aged 26, was arrested on March 21 and when interviewed he admitted breaching the order. He admitted he had arranged for the gifts to be dropped off and said he had misunderstood the terms of the restraining order.

In an impact statement his ex said they had been in a relationship for four years and she had ended it because of domestic abuse and went to a women’s refuge.
She was re-housed and she later let him come round as he was having difficulties at home and he asked for a reconciliation but she refused because of his violence, said Miss Moore.
“He assaulted her causing a swollen eye and a cut ear. Their son was next to her on the sofa when the assault took place,” she added.
In the impact statement the victim told how having a stranger turn up unexpectedly at night at her home had left her feeling anxious.
She was afraid to go out and intends asking social services to get them re-housed.

Miss Moore said that Broderick had received a 16 month prison sentence suspended for 18 months for the assault at the same time as the restraining order had been made last November.
The defendant, of Dean Crescent, Orford, Warrington, pleaded guilty to harassment, breaching the restraining order and breaching the suspended sentence order.
Jeremy Rawson, defending, said that Broderick had been doing well under the terms of the suspended sentence and had completed two thirds of the unpaid work element.

Judge Stuart Driver, KC said he had read a reference from his employer and apart from the breach Broderick had been co-operating with the suspended sentence order.
He sentenced him to six months imprisonment suspended for 12 months and ordered him to carry out an extra 20 days unpaid work.
The judge warned him, “This is your last chance.”


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1 Comment

  1. The father should have asked social services to contact the Mum and arrange to drop the gifts off on his behalf. Having a stranger turn up on her door step claiming to have been sent by the man who physically abused her in front of their child, is invasive and worrisome. Poor woman and her children have been through enough at his hands from the sound of the court proceedings. Hope they are somewhere safe now where he can’t find them.

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