140 homes approved for former industrial site


OUTLINE planning consent for the construction of up to 140 houses on land off Loushers Lane, Warrington has been granted by borough council planning chiefs.

The 6.57 hectare site has previously been used for commercial purposes throughout its mapped history, including railway sidings and various works buildings since the mid-1800s

Information from Warrington Borough Council’s records indicate that depot garage currently on the site replaced a former sports ground in the 1970s.
Part of the site was also used for landfill during the 1970s and at one time there was a bitumen works on the site.
Reports considered by planning officers suggest existing buildings will have to be demolished and their foundations “grubbed out” prior to development taking place.
But part of the site is covered by dense woodland.
An intrusive ground Investigation will be required to assess ground conditions and the potential for contaminated land.
No details of the proposed development have yet been made available but it is understood the proposal is for low rise residential property.
Pictured below: A wooded section of the site


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