Residents oppose massive Six56 distribution centre at public inquiry


LOCAL residents turned up in force at the Public Inquiry to show their opposition to the massive Six56 distribution centre on Green Belt land next to Exit 20 of the M6 at Grappenhall.

Opposition comes from local residents, councillors and the planning consultant and barrister commissioned by the South Warrington Parish Councils’ Planning Working Group as the inquiry got underway at The Base.

Warrington Borough Council controversially approved the planning application but due to its size and strategic importance, it was ‘called-in’ to be determined by the Secretary of State. An Inquiry scheduled for eight days began in Warrington on 9 May. The Inspector will make a recommendation having heard evidence for and against. The application for 288,000 sq. metres of internal floorspace is known as Six/56.

Lymm Councillor Ian Marks who spoke at the Inquiry said, “We strongly agree with the Local Plan Inspectors that this land should not be released from the Green Belt. In no uncertain terms, they make it quite clear that it would result in a significant encroachment into the countryside undermining one of the purposes of the Green Belt, create severe harm to its openness and cause major visual intrusion. Any economic benefits do not provide very exceptional circumstances to override this loss.
“There is no strategic need for this extra allocation because Fiddlers Ferry has the potential to accommodate largescale logistics development for the reduced amount of employment land the Local Plan Inspectors say is required. It also has the potential for a rail connection which this site does not. The Secretary of State has previously rejected a proposal to build a national distribution centre on land nearby.
“Residents have many concerns. The number of extra vehicular movements generated will have a significant impact on air quality. There are now 60,000 studies addressing the impact of air pollution on health and the World Health Organisation has described air pollution as a global health emergency.
“Secondly there will be more congestion due to the lack of infrastructure. This has major implications for residents who will find increased difficulty gaining access to the motorway network. We already have a large truck-stop next to the motorway roundabout and a Truck wash which is or aspires to be Europe’s biggest.
Cllr. Marks added: “We sincerely hope that you will turn down this application in the interests of the public good. It is important to listen to what ordinary people are saying. Warrington is a highly successful town and it doesn’t need this development, especially one which is in direct conflict with the Council’s climate change aspirations.”

Planners urged to “get off the fence!” over Six56 public inquiry


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. Warrington Borough Council do not care or consider their residents in any shape or form in relation to any development decisions.
    All they care about is the money they can generate to pay off their 2 billion pounds debts.
    It is time this labour council are voted out of office at the next elections the sooner the better !

  2. I would agree that the council do not take local residents views into account. I would also like to point out that the residents of Penketh do not want a large logistics centre on Fiddlers Ferry and the amount of traffic clogging up the already congested roads in Penketh. We have had increased traffic from the new Widnes bridge, pollution from Fiddlers Ferry to contend with it’s time we had a green belt and the facilities of Grappenhall and Lymn. The previous comments were correct the council is only concerned about recouping losses it has incurred with rate payers money. There is no need to build more units or housing in either areas they have already built on every green space around Warrington

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