Plan to convert barn into homes at 19th century farm


PLANS to convert a disused barn into two dwellings at a 19th-century farm in Appleton have been submitted to Warrington planners.

The development is proposed at Hillside Farm, in Hillside Lane, Appleton.

A report to be considered by Warrington Borough Council planning officers indicates that the barn is of substantial construction. A structural survey has shown it is in relatively good condition, with any defects being of only a cosmetic nature.
The proposal will result in the conversion of the existing building rather than demolition and rebuild. It is suitable for conversion, with no work necessary other than to make it suitable for residential purposes.
Last use of the building was for agriculture – and this was prior to 2013.
Historical mapping from 1888-1913 indicates the buildings were originally constructed as a farm. There have been no alterations other than for the installation of solar panels on the roof.
The proposals include the provision of hardstanding for parking. The entrance to the site would be retained and widened to accommodate a larger turning area and pedestrian access, as well as improve visibility for manoeuvring in and out of the site.
Planning officers will now consider the proposals.


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