Tories tell Labour to stick to local issues after voting against motion to stop sewage dumping in Mersey and Ship Canal


OPPOSITION Tories have told members of the controlling Labour group of Warrington Borough Council to stop wasting time discussing national issues after coming under fire for voting against sewage dumping in the River Mersey and Manchester Ship Canal.

It follows the recent full council meeting Warrington Conservative Councillors voted against the Labour motion calling on the government to stop sewage being dumped into Warrington’s waterways.

The motion followed recent data from the Environment Agency showing incidents of sewage being dumped into Warrington’s rivers and brooks continuing at a high level.
Sewage dumping affects all parts of the town with more 1200 individual incidents reported across Warrington in 2022. However, there are still a number of sites without monitoring equipment which means we can’t be certain how much sewage has actually been dumped.
One such site that does not monitor sewage dumping sits directly opposite Warrington’s Cenotaph on Bridgefoot.
Sites, where sewage was recorded to be dumped in Warrington, include Orford Park, Dallam Brook, Warrington Rowing Club and numerous points along the Manchester Ship Canal bordering Latchford, Stockton Heath, Appleton and Grappenhall.
In 2022 alone more than 9000 hours of sewage dumping was recorded that’s equivalent to more than 379 days worth of sewage being dumped into the town’s waterways.

Sarah Hall, Labour Councillor for Bewsey and Whitecross one of the most affected wards said: “The Tories have let Warrington become an open sewer.
“Our residents are outraged by the sheer scale of government-sanctioned sewage dumping in our rivers, brooks and parks. We should all be standing up to this injustice, and saying enough is enough. It’s horrifying.
“I’m out every week in Warrington South talking to residents about what matters to them and sewage dumping in our rivers and brooks comes up again and again.
“Our town deserves better. We had an opportunity to come together and demand safer, cleaner water instead the Tories decided to vote against this important motion.
“It’s time to take a stand, I’d encourage everyone who’s sick of sewage being dumped in our rivers to sign Labours petition.

But Councillor Balding said: “Conservatives Councillors care a lot about our environment including issues associated with water quality. There has been a lot in the press recently about the need to further clean up our waterways and this is in addition to the importance of having a secure water supply, a high quality of water from our taps, a reduction in leaks, better performance on carbon emissions, and keeping water bills affordable for everyone.”
“But at the Full Council meeting Labour Councillors wanted to waste a lot of the available time for debating Warrington Borough Council issues. Instead, they chose to focus their resources on mud-slinging and discussing whether to write to Government Ministers and MPs about an Environment Act recently settled in Parliament.”
“As I understand it, national plans are in place to continue improving the quality of our waterways and I note there have been more government announcements recently. These announcements include speeding up water company investment worth £1.6 billion; creating a new Water Restoration Fund backed by water company fines; providing unlimited penalties for polluting waterways; banning the use of plastic in wet wipes; and providing more support for farmers with infrastructure.
“I wish that Labour Councillors would first focus on local issues working directly with those parties involved for the benefit of residents. Instead, they seem to unrealistically set their sights and aspirations on the Palace of Westminster.”


About Author

Experienced journalist for more than 40 years. Managing Director of magazine publishing group with three in-house titles and on-line daily newspaper for Warrington. Experienced writer, photographer, PR consultant and media expert having written for local, regional and national newspapers. Specialties: PR, media, social networking, photographer, networking, advertising, sales, media crisis management. Chair of Warrington Healthwatch Director Warrington Chamber of Commerce Patron Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Foundation for Peace. Trustee Warrington Disability Partnership. Former Chairman of Warrington Town FC.


  1. The dumping of sewage into local waterways IS a local issue!

    Whilst there is certainly plenty to deal with which is under direct Council control, I have no issue with local representatives making their views known on national issues when they have such significant local impact.

  2. Well if the Labour council hadnt highlighted the dumping of sewage into local water systems as a LOCAL problem then the majority of people in Warrington would not be aware of the fact. The silence from the Tories on this subject is deafening and without doubt hypocritical!!

  3. It IS a local issue. Last time I looked the Mersey went through Warrington! The Tories members of the Council are only interested in disagreement.

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