Homes for vulnerable young people approved by planners


PLANNING chiefs in Warrington have given the go-ahead for a former chapel to be converted into a residential institution for vulnerable young people.

Members of Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee approved the scheme in Forster Street despite opposition from local residents.

Residents claimed they had not been adequately consulted about the scheme and said they were concerned about the type of young person who might be placed in the facility.
Two borough councillors also expressed concerns about the proposal – Cllr Sagheer Zaman and Cllr Claire Lloyd-Fitzgerald
They warned of the potential for increased noise, antisocial behaviour, loss of privacy for nearby houses and parking issues.

But the committee approved the scheme after hearing the application was from, Bedspace, a company that had been operating for 24 years, specialising in providing supported living for young people leaving care.
There would be a total of eight apartments, two designed for single-parent families and including one for an onsite support worker.
The company would provide 24/7 support for the young people who would be aged beween 14 and 19.
Planning officers recommended the scheme be approved. They said the building, dating from 1898, was of some significance but the proposals would not result in much change to its appearance.
Although there was potential for increased noise it was unlikely to be much different to when it was run as a “urban church” with up to 150 people attending services and other meetings.
An earlier plan to change the use of the building to eight dwellings was approved in August last year.


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