Objectors lose battle to block a development of Green Belt homes


OBJECTORS have lost a battle to block a development of 108 homes and a medical centre on Green Belt at Lymm.

Members of Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee approved the scheme off Rushgreen Road despite objections from 90 nearby residents, Lymm Parish Council and local borough councillors Ian Marks and Graham Gowland.
Planning officers recommended the scheme should be approved because including a medical centre – currently an outline proposal – represented a very special reason for the development in the Green Belt.

The proposal involves the demolition of a property in Rushgreen Road to make way for the medical centre.
Objections from residents and others included road safety issues arising from increased traffic on Rushgreen Road.
There were also objections to the siting of three-storey homes adjacent to the Bridgewater Canal which, it is claimed, will have a major impact on the openness of the Green Belt.
The proposals are for detached, semi-detached and terraced houses and a three-storey apartment block.
A total of 32 “affordable homes” are proposed in the development.
Objectors said although the inclusion of a medical centre in the scheme is welcome, it will itself be an additional cause of increased traffic using the narrow Rushgreen Road.
They also argued that the main access route to the development, Woodyatt Way, is too narrow for the amount of traffic the development will attract.


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