Council accounts signed off – at last!


WARRINGTON Borough Council’s 2017/18 accounts have been signed off – at last.

It follows a lengthy audit process with auditor’s Grant Thornton, which had been challenged by local resident and retired accountant Richard Buttrey who sadly died last year.
It followed a challenge on the council’s controversial investment in Redwood Bank.
Deputy Leader and cabinet member for finance, Cllr Cathy Mitchell, said: “We are pleased that our 2017/18 accounts have been signed off.
“While we recognise the significance of the accounts being approved, we know that the delay has caused prolonged uncertainty for our residents.
“Following the resolution of objections raised in relation to our accounts, we have latterly, over many months, been unable to confirm our 2017/18 accounts due to a national issue that has affected all English councils. This matter has now been resolved, which takes us ultimately to the point of being able to sign off our 2017/18 accounts.
“We have, throughout this entire and incredibly complex process, continued to engage positively with our auditors on all matters related to our accounts.”

Full accounts can be viewed here:

Death of Redwood Bank campaigner Richard Buttrey


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1 Comment

  1. These accounts would have been signed off years ago if not for Mr Buttrey’s failed objection. The intervention by the former UKIP candidate cost Warrington’s council tax payers thousands of pounds.

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