Next steps in Westy low traffic neighbourhood consultation


HIGHWAY planners at Warrington have confirmed the next steps linked to the low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) consultation in Westy.

They aim to carry out the final phase of the consultation later in April.

In advance of the consultation opening, an information flyer, which is also now available on the council website, is being delivered to households today (Thursday), within the LTN area, which highlights key findings so far from the LTN trial which has led to outrage and protests rallies from the local community.
Data collected both before and during the trial shows that:

There has been a 50 per cent increase in pedestrians walking on streets within the LTN
• There has been a 43 per cent reduction in traffic on internal LTN streets compared to pre-COVID average midweek traffic levels
• There has been an average reduction in 3,600 fewer daily car trips within the neighbourhood
• While there has been a decrease in traffic on Kingsway South (northbound) and Knutsford Road (eastbound), there has been an increase in traffic along Kingsway South (southbound) and Knutsford Road (westbound)
• There have been some changes in journey times on the boundary roads but these have largely remained within pre-trial ranges
Throughout the trial LTN period, the council has continued to respond to public feedback, by:
• Removing planters at the north end of Griffiths Street
• Extending the one-way route on Reynolds Street from Davies Avenue to Tinsley Street, relieving pressure on Longdin Street
• Removing bollards on Reynolds Street to allow coaches to pick up from both local schools (Alderman Bolton and St. Augustines)
• Restoring two-way traffic along Broadbent Avenue

The evidence and data collected so far, which will be posted to residents directly in the LTN area through the household flyer, will give communities further information about key findings and updates about the LTN trial.
The final consultation phase will then follow, and is due to commence after Easter.

Council cabinet member for transport, Cllr Hans Mundry (pictured) , said: “We have found through data collection and insight that car movements inside the LTN area have reduced, with more people walking on internal streets within the area. These findings are positive, and support the initial aims of the LTN in helping to address volumes of traffic within the area – an outcome in line with wider government aims.
“The final consultation phase will be commencing soon, and we felt it very important to share this insight with our communities in advance of the consultation window opening.
“However, while evidence and data is important to consider, it is equally important to listen to the feedback and voices of our communities.
“As we have said from the start of this trial period, we are committed to listening to our residents and have made changes to the scheme based on this feedback.
“This final consultation phase will ultimately help to inform the long-term future of the LTN scheme. Will it remain, be altered, or be removed entirely? Views on both sides of the debate – whether people are in favour of the scheme or not – will help to shape the final decision.
“I would therefore urge as many people as possible to take part in this important consultation when it begins later next month, which ultimately will be informed and shaped by your feedback.”
To find out more about the LTN scheme in Westy in advance of the final consultation, visit
Many residents have been bitterly opposed to the scheme, especially the planters.


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1 Comment

  1. well DUH. block the streets up and there will be less traffic. also means that locals have to walk as they can’t get their car in. so an increase in pedestrianism. note this is a very tongue in cheek post

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