163 homes planned near site of famous Civil War battle


PLANS have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council for 163 houses at Winwick – close to the site of the famous Battle of Winwick – the last major battle of the English Civil War.

The two, three and four-bedroomed houses are planned by Bellway Homes on land off Golborne Road.

Although adjacent to the eastern extent of the registered battlefield, the site would occupy only a very small aspect of the heritage site’s setting which is already affected by electricity pylons.
The Battle of Winwick, sometimes known as the Battle of Red Bank, took place in 1648 and involved a Royalist army and a Parliamentarian force commanded by Oliver Cromwell.
The Parliamentarians were victorious with most of the Royalist force killed or captured.
There has only been one recorded “find” of a heritage asset within the development site – a Roman figurine of negligible value as there is no evidence of associated archaeological features.

However, experts say, there is a moderate-to-high potential for objects from the late prehistoric, Roman and post medieval periods being unearthed.
The site is said to be well connected to the wider region by excellent transport links, There is also shopping at the Gemini Retail Park, 4500m away, and at Newton-le-Willows, 3500m away. Winwick Lesure Centre is only 800m from the site, offering sports facilities and social activities.
Bellway want to build 163 houses on the site – including some affordable homes. They also plan to provide open spaces and parking for the development.

The scheme is being considered by Warrington borough council planners.

A Bellway Homes development.


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1 Comment

  1. Check out the reviews for the bunch of cowboys going by the name of Bellway, if the 3 little pigs moved in to one the big bad wolf would not be going hungry!. These landgrabbing ‘developers’ only want to build on greenbelt land as its easy pickings for them. They will contribute nothing to the community but are more than happy to destroy them instead and the heritage around the area means sweet nothing to them, and this council have no pride in the fact that one of the most historical battles to have ever happened took place on their doorstep within spitting distance of this disgraceful development. Shame on this planning department throwing Winwick to the wolves – we have 1200 houses being built down the road at Peel Hall with god knows how many more cars spewing fumes in to our atmosphere on already crowded roads, but I am sure they will come up with a reason for letting them wreck our historical village

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