Plan for houses in a “gap” is thrown out


PLANNING chiefs at Warrington have thrown out proposals for a pair of semi-detached houses in a “gap” in a long row of houses in Newman Street, Latchford.

They say the development would be out of character with existing houses in the street and would also lead to an increase in on-street parking in a narrow street creating highway safety issues.

The project would have involved the demolition of an existing workshop building and there were no objections from nearby residents.

Architects acting on behalf of applicants Peter Tolan and Margaret Taylor, said the proposals involved the demolition of a workshop that stood in a disproportionately large garden at an end-terraced house and building a pair of small semi-detached houses in a gap before housing continued with a row of semi-detached houses.
The new houses would create a link between the terraced properties and the semi-detached properties. The new properties would be set back slightly behind the building line to allow for one parking space for each house.
“We consider the proposals will contribute positively to the effective use of this site.”

But Warrington Borough Council planning officers said the proposed dwellings would be noticeably narrower than those on either side, leading to the development looking “cramped” to fit two houses into the available space.
The proposed parking spaces would be of insufficient length and the scheme would also result in the loss of parking space for the existing end-terraced house.


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