Puppy “meet and greet” viewing area rejected by planners


BOROUGH Council planners have thrown out an application for a new building to provide a puppy “meet and greet” viewing area at a Croft farm.

The scheme involved the demolition of an existing agricultural building – said to be in a significant state of dilapidation – at Brookside Farm, Lady Lane, Croft.
It would be replaced by a new building with a mixed-use of agricultural storage and the “meet and greet” viewing area.
Applicant Kelly Fenney has been told the scheme has been refused because it is considered inappropriate in the Green Belt and that there are no very special reasons outweighing the harm it would cause to the openness of the Green Belt.

Nine objections were received by the borough council on the grounds that a retail business was operating at the farm without permission, that a significant number of vehicles were visiting, that no provision was being made to expand parking space and that on-street parking in the area would be hazardous.
Planners said there had been a number of other objections which were not relevant because they were planning issues.
One objection was received from Warrington Animal Welfare.
The “meet and greet” area was said to be needed to enable potential purchasers to see puppies in the presence of their mothers.


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