Residents win partial victory over lorry noise


SIX nearby residents who objected to noise and disturbance caused by heavy lorries in the early hours have won a partial victory.

Planning chiefs have agreed to extended hours at Ashbrook Motors on the Sankey Bridges Industrial Estate, Liverpool Road, Warrington.
But they have imposed conditions to prevent vehicle movements before 7.30am or after 7pm on weekdays and 8am and 6.30pm on Saturdays.
No movements will be permitted on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

The six residents had complained of vehicles arriving at 3.30am and leaving at 9pm seven days a week and standing with idling engines because the gates to the estate were locked.
Their sleep was frequently disturbed by noise and headlights.

Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee was told officers had confirmed breaches in existing planning conditions.
However, officers said on balance and with conditions, the problems could be controlled so that there was no significant additional harm to residents’ amenity.
Any breaches could be controlled by council enforcement action.


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