MP wants to power-up Cheshire and Warrington through ‘devo deal’


LABOUR MP Mike Amesbury is leading the charge to power-up Cheshire and Warrington by moving key decision-making from Westminster back to the north.

His call to action follows Keir Starmer’s announcement that a future Labour Government would hand over more powers to local communities.

The Weaver Vale MP believes Cheshire and Warrington is falling behind Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester, where combined authorities are already using devolved powers to drive investment worth billions of pounds.
There, local authorities, under the leadership of elected mayors Steve Rotheram and Andy Burnham, work together on transport, housing, skills training, the economy and the environment.
Mr Amesbury highlights political support for devolution to be extended, with Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire East and Warrington councils all on board as well as local fellow Labour MPs.
He said: “Keir Starmer would make it easier for local areas to secure devolution under an incoming Labour administration. But I’d like to see Cheshire and Warrington get ahead of the game by agreeing a deal with the current Government as recently achieved in Cornwall and the North East.
“I continue to press ministers to make progress on that goal given the strength of local political will. It’s my belief this area would thrive within an arrangement that’s more about ‘our street’ than Downing Street.”

Mr Amesbury points to public transport improvements in Liverpool City Region already benefiting the Halton part of his constituency.
Last September Mayor Rotheram introduced £2 capped bus fares with plans to deliver a London-style network by taking buses back under public control.
Mr Amesbury commented: “What a positive difference that will make for passengers. But we need it across the patch. People are not well served in Northwich, Frodsham, Helsby or surrounding areas.”
The MP says elected representatives in the localities are best placed to set the priorities rather than Whitehall civil servants.
He explained: “For example, vocational skills training for young people and adults could be geared up to match what local employers are looking for.
“In addition, we currently have a planning system that is driven from the centre. Greater priority for affordable housing should be a devolved matter so high quality, energy efficient and genuinely affordable homes can be built at scale and in the right places to meet the needs of our community and economy.”


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