Green light for community storage facility


LOCAL residents at Cuerdley, Warrington may soon have access to a community storage facility, following a decision by borough councillors.

Members of Warrington Borough Council’s development management committee have given the green light to a proposal for a number of community storage units on the site of the former White Moss Garden Centre, in South Lane, Cuerdley.

An earlier application for a commercial storage facility on the same site was turned down by planners.
But the applicant submitted the new proposal after a number of local residents came forward and suggested that a small, community facility would be useful, involving smaller, storage units.
The applicant – who had already tidied up the site following illegal waste tipping by the public – told the committee he believed a community facility as suggested by residents, would be beneficial to the local community.
Architects representing the applicant said it was important to recognise that the community use proposed would create less traffic and emissions than either the previous commercial containers or the garden centre storage buildings.


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